tooth extraction specialists | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Caring for Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can occur after dental work but long lasting or recurring tooth sensitivity is caused by eroding enamel that exposes the nerves in teeth. Visiting your dentist is the best way to diagnose the reason for sensitive teeth but there are many ways to alleviate the pain and prevent it from getting worse. Preventive…

Coffee's UnIntended Benefits | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Are You A Coffee Lover?

Are you a coffee lover? Studies show that coffee may have the unintended benefit of lowering the risk of gum disease! Researchers at Boston University’s Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine concluded in their study that coffee did not have a negative impact on periodontal health and regular coffee drinking had minimal impact on…

energy drinks and dentistry | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

How to Keep Your Enamel Strong

June is a conflicting month for dentists everywhere. It is National Dairy Month – and we are all aware that dairy products are essential for keeping your tooth enamel strong. But June is also National Candy Month, and sugary food and drinks are terrible for your mouth, wearing away your enamel. Keeping your tooth enamel…

Stress Impacts on Smile - Advanced Dentistry Collegeville

How Stress Can Affect Your Smile

Stress. We all feel it and it can be harmful in many ways. It takes a toll on your emotional well being, it can impact your physical health, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease, and it can affect your smile! Bruxism (teeth grinding): high levels of stress can leads you to…

spring allergies | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Spring Allergies

Spring. For many it means beautiful flowers and greenery are in bloom, waking up from their winter slumber. For about 58 million Americans, it also means allergies. What exactly causes allergies during the spring? The biggest trigger is pollen. Pollen is released into the air by trees, grasses, weeds, and flowers. When pollen is inhaled,…