3 Misconceptions About Flossing | Advanced Collegeville Dentistry

3 Common Misconceptions About Flossing

3 Common Misconceptions About Flossing We know it can be difficult to get in the habit of flossing regularly. After all, your mouth can feel pretty fresh after just brushing, enough to fool you into thinking it’s totally clean and safe from tooth decay or gum disease. But flossing regularly is the only way to make sure…

best foods for your teeth | collegeville advanced dentistry

Best Foods for Your Teeth

Everyone likes to talk about how there are a multitude of foods that are bad for your teeth. Foods that are high in sugar are widely known to contribute to tooth decay and cavities if consumed in large amounts. However, not many people know the foods that actually improve your oral health. According to the…

got dry mouth | collegeville advanced dentistry

Prevent Dry Mouth While Sleeping

Millions of people experience dry mouth at some point in their lives. If you are one of those millions, you know night time is generally the worst, waking up parched. Without relief it can be uncomfortable and frustrating. Dry mouth is annoying and can be painful. If left untreated, chronic dry mouth can lead to…

tooth extraction specialists | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

5 Common Myths about Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat a diseased or infected tooth. There are multiple layers to your teeth, the hard, outer layer of enamel and dentin and the layer below known as pulp which houses blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. A root canal becomes necessary when the soft tissue layer…

Children's Sealants | Advanced Dentistry of Collegevile

Does My Child Need Sealants?

Dental sealants are a coating put on the grooves of your child’s back teeth in order to protect them. The first adult molars in a child’s mouth come out around 6 years of age and come with very deep grooves built-in. Food often gets trapped in those grooves and a toothbrush’s bristles are unable to…