The best way to choose the right toothpaste for you is to talk to your dentist at Advanced Dentistry – we understand your dental needs the best! However, here are some great things to remember when choosing a toothpaste yourself.
The most important tip to remember: ALWAYS choose a toothpaste with ADA seal.
Different toothpastes do different things, like whitening, preventing gum disease, and protecting sensitive teeth, but one thing they all have in common is plaque removal. All ADA complying toothpastes contain fluoride which is a naturally occurring mineral that helps keep teeth clean and tooth enamel strong. Fluoride makes your tooth enamel more resistant to acids that decay your teeth (who doesn’t want that?!).
You should always use a toothpaste with fluoride in it to help prevent tooth decay, however you can find toothpastes with additional ingredients to do so much more including, reduce tooth sensitivity, reduce gingivitis, remove tartar, whiten teeth, or toothpastes that encourage children to develop good brushing habits.
Talk to your dentist at your next dental appointment with Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville to see which toothpaste is best for your smile. If you have any questions or need to schedule your next appointment, call our office at (610) 489-5555.