Sleep apnea | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

What exactly is Sleep Apnea?

Are you told that you snore while you’re asleep? Do you find yourself waking up constantly in the night? These are all common symptoms of a condition known as Sleep Apnea. People who suffer from Sleep Apnea do not get adequate oxygen to their brain while they sleep. This is caused by a blockage in…

Oral Hygeiene Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush

Brushing regularly will help you preserve a healthy smile! But your smile won’t survive if you don’t properly take care of your toothbrush. Take a look at your current toothbrush bristles. Are they frayed, smashed, discolored? Yes? It’s definitely time for a new one! You should be replacing your toothbrush every three to four months…

tooth extraction specialists | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Your Wisdom Teeth and You

Pain in the back of your mouth? Sore Jaw? Have you had your wisdom teeth removed? Your wisdom teeth are the third molars in the back of your mouth, and the last teeth to develop in your jaw between the time you’re 17 to about 21. However, due their delayed development, they usually don’t have…

Adult Cavities | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Only Kids Get Cavities, Right? Wrong!

Do you have a sweet tooth that craves chocolate or other sugars? Go ahead and eat the sweet you’ve been wanting, but don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards! If you don’t, you are more susceptible to getting cavities. But wait, don’t cavities only occur in children? Sorry, but that is not true – to…

mouth checkup | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Plaque and Your Teeth

Do you ever feel like your teeth are wearing fuzzy slippers? It’s not actually fuzz that you’re feeling, but plaque! Everyone knows that plaque is bad, but have you ever been told what it actually is? Plaque is a sticky biofilm made up of hundreds of naturally-occurring bacteria that feed on the food we eat.…

Say No to Thumbsucking!

When children are young they are known suck on everything they get their hands on. A natural habit is for kids to suck on their thumb. Sucking on objects makes babies secure and happy and to help them learn about the world. This is a soothing thing to do but did you know that thumbsucking…

Choosing the Right Toothpaste

The toothpaste aisle can be a bit overwhelming when you first see it, considering the variety of types available now. Some questions you may ask yourself are, what’s the difference, how do I know which kind to get? Well, have no fear because we are here to help you pick the best toothpaste for your…

cavities and stress

Stress Linked to Cavities

Child cavities have been linked to the exposure of chronic maternal stress. Chronic maternal stress as a potential risk factor is something now being considered in addition to the wider implications of maternal well-being, social and psychological environment on dental health. Studies have shown that dental cavities are more common among kids whose mothers had…

Oral Hygeiene Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

How Often Should You Brush?

Tooth brushing is an integral part of many people’s morning routine. But are you brushing before bed as well? How about after each time you eat? Is there such a thing as brushing too much? It is recommended that you brush your teeth two or three times a day. Make sure to hit all surfaces…


How Stress Hurts Your Teeth

Stress seems like an inevitable part of everyday life. While daily, small stressors may not have too much of an impact, constant or severe stress can do damage to your smile. Below is a list of oral ailments that may occur from an excess of stress, along with tips on how to fight back against…