Overall Health Concerns

The Need for Dental Crowns

Your tooth has sustained damage or is decaying beyond the capabilities of a dental filling, and your dentist has recommended a crown. A dental crown a tooth-shaped “cap” which is used to cover the damaged tooth to restore its size and shape, strength, and appearance. When placed properly, a crown fully encases the visible portion…

Underbite | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

What Happens When You Have An Underbite

An underbite is caused by genetics, meaning there isn’t anything you can do to prevent them. But, just because you can’t prevent it, doesn’t mean you have to live with it! An underbite happens when a person’s lower jaw extends further than the upper jaw and affects about 10% of the population. If you have…

new patient specials | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Are Your Teeth Wearing Fuzzy Slippers?

Do you ever feel like your teeth are wearing fuzzy slippers? It’s not actually fuzz that you’re feeling, but plaque! Everyone knows that plaque is bad, but have you ever been told what it actually is? Plaque is a sticky biofilm made up of hundreds of naturally-occurring bacteria that feed on the food we eat.…

Healthy Smile | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Summer Tips for A Healthy Smile

This summer have fun in the sun and stay happy by following these simple tips to keep up with your dental hygiene, all while helping to prevent tooth decay and maintain a healthy smile! Drinking Water: Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated during the hot summer days, but it also helps to rinse your…

jamie dental hygienist

It’s Not Just A Cleaning

You’ve always been told to see your dentist twice a year for a dental hygiene appointment, but are you aware of the importance behind them? Studies have shown that periodontal disease (gum disease) can contribute to the development of heart disease. How? Bacteria from plaque can lead to blood clots and ultimately, heart attacks or…

Repurpose Your Toothbrush | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

There May be Life in Your Old Toothbrush Yet!

How often do you replace your old toothbrush? We suggest changing it about every three months – so you’ve likely thrown away quite a few toothbrushes in your lifetime. Have you ever considered what happens to the toothbrushes you throw away? The Oral Health Foundation took a look at some potential uses for a toothbrush…

Wean Your Baby from a Pacifier | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Weaning Your Child from Their Pacifier

It’s perfectly normal for a baby to suck on a pacifier or his/her finger; sucking helps to soothe them and can prevent SIDS. But when is it time for a baby to be weaned off of their pacifier? The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children should discontinue pacifier use after age 3. If…

treating toddlers | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Austism and Dental Care

As you know, oral health is incredibly important not just for your teeth, but for your overall health. Autism can make healthy oral care habits difficult, which is why it’s important to begin at a young age. Austism Speaks teamed up with Colgate and Philips-Sonicare to produce a dental guide to help make dental visits…