Adult Cavities | Collegeville Dentistry

Is it True Only Kids Get Cavities? Nope!

Do you have a sweet tooth that craves chocolate or other sugars? Go ahead and eat the sweet you’ve been wanting, but don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards! If you don’t, you are more susceptible to getting cavities. But wait, don’t cavities only occur in children? Sorry, but that is not true – to…

Get to Know Your Mouth Wash | Collegeville Advanced Dentistry

Get to Know Your Mouthwash

No two mouthwashes are the same. With so many options out there for a mouthwash, make sure you’re getting the right kind with the right benefits for you. Your oral health is unique, and may require a different treatment that your current mouthwash may not be providing. Below are three unique types of mouthwash that…

Sleep Apnea | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Are you told that you snore while you’re asleep? Do you find yourself waking up constantly in the night? These are all common symptoms of a condition known as Sleep Apnea. People who suffer from Sleep Apnea do not get adequate oxygen to their brain while they sleep. This is caused by a blockage in…

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush | Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush

As important as brushing your teeth is, changing your toothbrush regularly is just as important when it comes to healthy teeth and gums. Most dentist recommend changing your toothbrush every three months. The reason for this is because toothbrushes can become dirtier quicker. Another reason why it’s important to change your toothbrush is because of…

Oral Hygiene Habits People Don't Know About | Collegeville Advanced Dentistry

Oral Hygiene Habits People Don’t Know About

We all think we know how to properly take care of our oral health; however, for most people, there are key steps that are often forgotten. We’re going to take you through some important steps for your oral health that are either forgotten are most people don’t know exist. Replacing Your Toothbrush Replacing your toothbrush…

Virtual Consultation

Virtual Sleep and Implant Consultations We’re now offering virtual Sleep Dentistry and Dental Implant Consultations. Dr. Silva we be able to virtually consult with you about your case, and potential treatment plan. While we are still unable to open our office to regular patients, this is a new process we are offering to help identify…

How to Keep Your Teeth White Advanced Dentistry of Collegeville

How to Keep Your Teeth White Tips

There are many ways to make your teeth whiter. Whitening treatments and whitening strips are the most common ways to keep your teeth white. Although these methods of helpful and show results, they do not last forever. Here are some ways to keep your smile looking bright and white. 1. Try to avoid food or…